April is Autism Acceptance Month! This month is all about sharing and celebrating neurodiversity and all the wonderful things that make people with autism unique. This week, I asked parents and teachers to tell me the things they love about their children and students. These are some of the most beautiful words I have ever read.
But first, I want to say what I love about my three with autism. My oldest is the gentlest soul you will ever meet. He amazes me with the things he can learn on his own. His talents for music, art, and making his videos with voiceovers (that I am still not sure how he does it) astound me. My middle son has the most beautiful smile. When he looks at you, you can’t help, but smile back. He accomplishes so much and never gives up. He will always be my sweet, sweet baby love. My youngest is the funniest little guy with the sweetest little ways about him. I love how he gets so into music and dancing. He can find joy in the smallest things. When he is happy, he is so happy. I love them all so much.

What do you love about your child(ren) or students with autism?
“So many things! I love when my son wakes up in the morning, darting off of his pillow ready to tackle the day and on the flip side I love that I only have to tell him once it’s time to go to bed to hear him say “go to sleep.. turn off the tv? Brush the teeth?” I love his smile, his true smile when he’s so happy it lights up the room. I love how excited he gets to see his grandpa or to confirm “grandpa pick me up from school?” I love when someone has a fresh haircut, he notices instantly and says “you got a haircut. so handsome.” I love when someone is hurt and he runs to them and says “what happened” with genuine concern.”
“What I love about my daughter… I always say “she’s like a walking Mardi Gras” or “she’s just like tinker bell, either really mad or really happy!” I also always say “there’s no gray area with her, she’s black & white in terms of decisiveness, it’s either yes or no, no gray area.” -C.S.
“My son is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received in this life. My love for him was instant. Over time, we began to notice many things that presented us with unique challenges and we found ourselves in uncharted waters. As we navigated autism for the first time, we began to enter his unique world and he welcomed us in freely. Once he learned how to communicate both verbally and nonverbally, his unwanted behaviors calmed, and his personality really blossomed. He truly is one of the purist souls I know. I have never met anyone like him. He is kind, loving and joyful. Someone once asked me, “if you had the ability, would you take his autism away?” My answer was, “No. You can’t separate him from autism this side of heaven.” Autism has many challenges, but it has also colored his personality into something so beautiful that I would never risk losing one ounce of it. There are truly no words to describe the experience of autism and the deep joy he brings to my heart.”
“I LOVE how much I learn from watching & playing with my littles & all of their the unique ways of navigating & having tons of fun through this world. They are my biggest teachers.” -K.C.
“I love that my daughter finds pure joy in the small things that are often overlooked by most people. Even though she doesn’t have spoken words, she is incredibly smart and capable in communicating her needs and interests. Her smile is infectious, and she radiates happiness. Autism magnifies her individuality and inspires others to find creative ways to make connections.”
“I love our oldest son’s gentleness and how he finds humor in whatever he is thinking. I love our middle son’s compassion and communication skills. I love our youngest’s ability to connect emotionally and how he loves to be himself.” -J.O.
“I love how authentic my son is with his stories and facts. He pours his heart and soul into his interests, and I know most people would long for such connections. No matter how much he argues with his sister, he is her protector at school by making sure to walk her to class and get her for the car rider lane. He is just my blessing in a nutshell with his quirks, high emotions, and empathic ways.”
My son’s interests run deep, his smile wide, energy high, and love overflowing! Don’t say he can’t, because he will! -D.S.P
“What I love about teaching children with autism. It’s the smallest achievements that mean the most! It’s knowing that I have reached them just a bit. And that is all that really matters.
“Something I love about my boys is their ability to be true to themselves. They don’t confine themselves to societal norms, being who they are meant to be without external influence.” -J.S.
“There are so many things I love about working with children with autism. The first thing that comes to mind is their reactions to making music. When we find the right adaptations to allow each child to create music independently, the genuine joy, pride, and confidence that they express is incredible to see.”
“I love how no matter what is going on around him, he is living his best life. The small moments for others are HUGE for autism parents and we have milestones every day to celebrate.”-K.S.

Thank you to everyone who provided their beautiful quotes about their children.
I loved reading all of them and it really highlights the uniqueness and amazingness of everyone. We hope you LOVE this week’s blog post.
Love & Co. Therapeutic Interventions
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By Kristie Owens, B.S., J.D., Master’s Student in Educational Psychology, Master’s Student in Special Education, emphasis in Disabilities for Post-secondary Settings with an Emphasis in Autism, Curriculum Development and Leadership, and Literacy Instruction. Autism mom of 3.
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