Category: Community Outings

  • Community Outing: Restaurants

    Community Outing: Restaurants

    Dining out can be so much fun. It can be a great family treat or essential if on vacation or out of the house for the day. Dining out can also cause some anxiety for special needs families, but with a little preparation and practice, these experiences can be wonderful. In addition, there are so…

  • Community Outing: Grocery Store

    Community Outing: Grocery Store

    The grocery store may be a common activity for some, but for others, it can be an overwhelming experience. There are so many sights, sounds, and smells going on around us. These can cause some stress and anxiety, but let’s turn this experience into a positive one with some helpful tips and a little preparation.…

  • Community Outings

    Community Outings

    The Benefits of Community Outings Community outings are a wonderful opportunity for children and adults with autism, down syndrome, ADHD, Fragile X, anxiety, and other exceptionalities to get a chance to practice essential life skills. Just some of the benefits of these trips are socialization, communication, physical awareness, and transferring skills in the real world.…

  • Fun Places for Community Outings in Polk County: Books Bridge Bus of Polk County Schools

    Fun Places for Community Outings in Polk County: Books Bridge Bus of Polk County Schools

    Have you heard of this awesome program from Polk County School District!? All year round, The Books Bridge Bus goes to various locations around Polk County, giving out free books to kids! Every child who visits the bus can get one free book, a week. Mr. Fred and Miss Lynda are truly amazing people. They…