Category: Our Favorite Therapy Tools

  • Our Favorite Therapy Tools: Legos & Puzzles

    Our Favorite Therapy Tools: Legos & Puzzles

    Legos and Puzzles are more than just toys, they have tons of benefits for children. Social Skills When children play with Legos or puzzles together, they are building teamwork skills. They learn how to take turns and work together for a purpose. This teamwork encourages joint focus, sharing, and positive social interactions. Communication and Language…

  • Our Favorite Therapy Tools: Part Two

    Our Favorite Therapy Tools: Part Two

    Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. -Fred Rogers In this part two of our Favorite Therapist Tools, we showcase some great ways to work on speech, physical, and occupational therapy skills at home.…

  • Our Favorite Therapy Tools: Part One

    Our Favorite Therapy Tools: Part One

    Children learn best through play. Sometimes parents wonder why their child’s therapist just seems to be playing during therapy. There are several reasons for this. One reason is, as a therapist or teacher, you want to be a reinforcement for your students. We want our patients to be excited to come to work with us…